Days of Our Lives is an American television soap opera that was first broadcast on November 8, 1965. The following is a list of characters that first appear in the show during the 2020s, by order of first appearance. All characters were introduced by show's executive producer, Ken Corday and co-executive producer, Albert Alarr. Greg Meng was subsequently credited as co-executive producer from January to September 2020.
Amanda Raynor (Victoria Platt), an OB/GYN at Salem University hospital is introduced in January 2020 The next character to be introduced is mechanic Jake Lambert (Brandon Barash) in April 2020, when Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) meets him for a job interview. The next character to be introduced is Gwen Rizczech (Emily O'Brien) a mental patient who befriends Claire Brady (Olivia Rose Keegan). In July 2020, Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) gives birth to her son Henry (Delaney and Parker Evans). Charlie Dale (Mike Manning) joined the soap in October 2020 as an executive intern to dueling CEOs Philip Kiriakis (Jay Kenneth Johnson) and Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer). On Christmas Eve 2020, fraternal twins Jules and Carver Grant were born to Eli Grant (Lamon Archey) and Lani Price (Sal Stowers).
In 2021, Jackée Harry joined the cast as Lani's aunt, Paulina Price. Paulina was soon followed by her daughter, Chanel Dupree. Chanel was briefly played by Precious Way before she was replaced by Raven Bowens. In the summer of 2021, it was announced that Marla Gibbs had been cast as Paulina's mother, Olivia.
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