fat ass

"Kiss My Fat Ass" is a song by Australian indie pop band Sheppard. It was released as a single on 26 July 2019. In a statement Amy Sheppard called the song "an empowerment anthem" saying "I've spent years trying to hide my flaws, to get the right lighting, the right pose, the right outfits all so I could hide" adding "I'm an average sized 12 woman. The thing is, I've been labelled all throughout my life... worst of all, I've sprayed hate on myself. Sadly, I can't say I have met a woman who hasn't done the same."The song exists thanks to Amy's body positivity movement, "Kiss My Fat Ass". In January, Amy began sharing unfiltered and unedited photos — with the hashtag #KissMyFatAss — in a bid to encourage young social media users to love and accept their bodies as they are. Her first post reached almost 40,000 likes and comments from people thanking her.

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