The seventh and final season of Gilmore Girls, an American dramedy television series, began airing on September 26, 2006 on The CW. The season and series concluded on May 15, 2007, after 22 episodes. This was the first and only season to air on The CW, which was a merge of UPN and the show's previous home, The WB. The season aired Tuesday nights at 8/7c.
This is the only season to not have Amy Sherman-Palladino or Daniel Palladino as a show-runner or a writer. The newly formed CW network claimed their departure was due to a salary dispute. Amy Sherman-Palladino later insisted that she and Daniel Palladino could not come to an agreement with CW because they needed a short series hiatus to rest, the hiring of more writers to relieve their work load, and an additional eighth season to finish the story lines properly. Because of this change, this season received mixed reviews from television critics and fans.
On May 3, 2007 The CW announced that the show was cancelled, and that the finale, which was filmed in April, would air on May 15.This was to be the last of the series to air until, in October 2015, it was reported that the series would return as a limited series on Netflix to consist of four 90-minute films. Sherman-Palladino was in charge of the new revival.
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